Look: black velvet body with yellow polka dots
Male and female differ as males have a fork shaped horn
size: 30 to 40 mm
Natural habitat: larvae from import 2021 beetles in St Lucia, South Africa
These larvae were captive bred in Belgium
Food imago: ripe fruits, beetle jelly, bee pollen as an important source of extra protein
temp/hygro: 25°C-30°C/70%-90%
Food larva: oak or beech peat / compost soil with white rotten wood from oak or beech / flake soil.
Pupal Cell: Sand needs to be added for the cocoon phase. cocoon phase needs to be rather dry and colder (18°C-22°C). cocoon phase lasts 3-4 months. Adults will emerge during the summer rain seasons, so occasional spraying is recommended.
communal or individual rearing: both communal and individual works as long as there are protein supplements as of L2/L3
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