***** WINTER BREAK, see you in 2025 ;) *****

Webshop reopens May 2025 if weather allows shipping larvae.
You can still purchase larvae from me in person at the Naturaria fair in Antwerp Expo on 10 November 2024.

Amaurodes passerinii L3


Larvae of Amaurodes (mecynorhina) passerinii

after disappearing from the hobby for many years, they are finally back!

Please read full description for info and rearing recommendations


Look: black velvet body with yellow polka dots

Male and female differ as males have a fork shaped horn

size: 30 to 40 mm

Natural habitat: larvae from import 2021 beetles in St Lucia, South Africa

These larvae were captive bred in Belgium

Food imago: ripe fruits, beetle jelly, bee pollen as an important source of extra protein

temp/hygro: 25°C-30°C/70%-90%

Food larva: oak or beech peat / compost soil with white rotten wood from oak or beech / flake soil.

Pupal Cell: Sand needs to be added for the cocoon phase. cocoon phase needs to be rather dry and colder (18°C-22°C). cocoon phase lasts 3-4 months. Adults will emerge during the summer rain seasons, so occasional spraying is recommended.

communal or individual rearing: both communal and individual works as long as there are protein supplements as of L2/L3


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